Thursday, March 10, 2011

My How Quickly Things Change...

Started off a great morning.  The usual, news and my coffee, walk the dog, you know same old stuff.  Yesterday I went and picked out my outfit for the upcoming wedding.  Thought about it all day and even had them hold it for me.  I even told a couple of friends how excited I was about it and can't wait to wear it.   Met Irma at The Cheesecake Factory for lunch and it was scrumptious as always.  I had Mexican soup and a chicken salad sandwich.  It also came with a salad, but the leaves were too big or something it just didn't appeal to me at all.  I took one bite and left the rest.  Irma laughed at me.  Then we were off to the mall to get my outfit!!

We walked upstairs and I found it hanging right where I left it on hold yesterday!!  I was so excited.  It had a cute jacket/blouse, very tailored and classy looking.  The chiffon skirt was lovely!  Very flowey and comfortable, oh, my goodness!! It was black and the jacket was a real pretty lime green.  I hurried to the register to pay for it as if someone was going to take it from me!  She checked me out and I was a happy camper...or so I thought!

 Followed Irma back by the dressing room and hanging right before my eyes was the most gorgeous dress I had ever seen.  Wow, it had "me" written all over it!  I even asked the cashier, "was this hanging here yesterday when I was here?"  She replied, "yes, it was."  I said to her, "how did I miss this? It is beautiful!"  Thought about it for a second and Irma said you should try it on.  Well, that took about one second for me to decide yeah, that's a great idea!!  Well, it fit like a glove!  Goodness gracious, I fell in love with it!  It doesn't even need to be altered!!  It is very form fitting and has ruffles...I so love ruffles.  It is not anything that I thought I would ever wear, but oooh, baby I love it.  It is a very shimmery tan with a ever so lightly blue hue to it when the light hits it.  The jacket is a bolero style and has 3/4 sleeves.

It amazes me how quickly we can change our minds, but my thought is, it was just meant to be!! I went from a flowey dress to a form fitting dress in a matter of 5 minutes!!  So I returned the other dress and purchased my new favorite dress.  The cashier said that was the fastest return she has ever done!  We actually all got tickled about it.  And the best part was I saved $50 smackeroos, too!!  That's my shoes and my jewelry!  So all in all it was a terrific fun filled day...

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