It's what for dessert tonight! I love Italian Cream Cake. It is a very dense and heavy cake and a little goes a long ways! I just carried some across the street to my neighbors. I remember I was probably about 10 years old the first time I ever had it at my Aunt Verna's house. That's going waaay back in time, ha! I was young, but I do remember asking her what kind it was and just never forgot the name and started making it for myself about 30 years ago.
A friend of mine here, whom I just love dearly, also loves it! I am making one for her later today because her son is coming into town tomorrow. Some people don't put the pecans in the frosting, but I figure why not! I never make it any other way, unless of course you request that I don't of course then I wouldn't. And for her she loves the nuts in hers, too!!
I definitely prefer a slice of cake over a cupcake. Don't get me wrong I love cupcakes, too, but I do love a huge slice of cake and an ice cold glass of milk! Basically, what I'm trying to say here is that I love sweets. My desire is to open a small bake shop!! I do, unfortunately, know a couple of people who don't eat sweets! All I can say is I sure feel bad for them. The key is not to eat the whole thing like my husband does!! He will literally eat a whole pie if only I would let him. Bad boy, bad boy!
Please try this recipe out on friend or your family...I don't think you'll be disappointed. Oh, one more thing if the recipe calls for let's say, butter, for instance and you decide to use margarine. Your results will not be the same so please don't tell me that it just didn't taste like mine! If I post a recipe that calls for a brand name in it like, Hunt's, Campbell's, etc. that means it is tried and true!! Once you get into cooking and serious about cooking like I am, you will be able to tell the difference and soon realize that there is no substitution!! I would rather have a few more calories than have no flavor! Why waste the time, it's not like you will eat the same stuff everyday!! I have had people tell me I made this just like you and followed your recipe precisely, but I didn't add blank I added this and it just wasn't the same...well, hello, is that what the recipe I gave you called for? Big mistake, huge!! Just wanted to say that...
Italian Cream Cake
2 cups sugar
1 stick butter
1/2 cup Crisco
2 tsp vanilla
5 eggs *see note below
1 cup buttermilk
2 cups flour
1 tsp baking soda
1/2 tsp salt
2 cup coconut
1 cup chopped pecans
(eggs: add 5 egg yolks to creamed mixture one at a time beating well after each one. Whip the egg whites until soft peaks form and set aside)
Preheat oven to 350 degrees. I use my KitchenAid but a hand held mixer would work just as good. Begin by creaming the sugar, butter and Crisco until well blended and fluffy. Add egg yolks one at a time. Stir in the buttermilk and blend. Add the flour, soda and salt and mix until completely mixed. Now add the coconut and the pecans. Once mixed FOLD in the egg whites by hand. Pour into prepared pan and bake 35 to 40 minutes depending on the pan you are using, Bundt, 13 x 9, etc.
8 oz. Philadelphia cream cheese
1/2 stick butter (softened to room temperature)
1 1/2 tsp vanilla
1/2 tsp butter flavoring
3/4 cup chopped pecans (or more if you like)
1 box confectionary sugar
Cream the butter and cream cheese until smooth. Add the extracts and the sugar. Blend until creamy adding the pecans at the very end. Frost when the cake has completely cooled...Enjoy